Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP

Corynetes arenarius (Rostr.) E.J. Durand (1908), (= Sabuloglossum arenarium); Geoglossaceae
Corynetes atropurpureus (Batsch) E.J. Durand (1908), (= Geoglossum atropurpureum); Geoglossaceae
Corynetes berteroi (Mont.) S. Imai (1955), (= Geoglossum berteroi); Geoglossaceae
Corynetes geoglossoides Eckblad (1963); Geoglossaceae
Corynetes globosus (Sommerf.) E.J. Durand (1908), (= Sarcoleotia globosa); Geoglossaceae
Corynetes luteus (Peck) Hazsl. (1881), (= Leptoglossum luteum); Hygrophoraceae
Corynetes microsporus (Cooke & Peck) Hazsl. (1881), (= Mitrula microspora); Helotiales
Corynetes robustus E.J. Durand (1908), (= Geoglossum atropurpureum); Geoglossaceae

Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP