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Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP

Cryptosphaerella annexa (Nitschke) Höhn. (1906), (= Coronophora annexa); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella annonae Speg. (1909); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella callista (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Fitzp. (1924), (= Cucurbitaria callista); Cucurbitariaceae
Cryptosphaerella celata Mugambi & Huhndorf (2010), (= Neocryptosphaerella celata); Scortechiniaceae
Cryptosphaerella coffeiphila Speg. (1922); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella cordobensis Speg. (1926); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella costaricensis Mugambi & Huhndorf (2010), (= Pseudocryptosphaerella costaricensis); Scortechiniaceae
Cryptosphaerella cylindriformis Mugambi & Huhndorf (2010), (= Pseudocryptosphaerella cylindriformis); Scortechiniaceae
Cryptosphaerella elliptica Mugambi & Huhndorf (2010), (= Pseudocryptosphaerella elliptica); Scortechiniaceae
Cryptosphaerella globosa Mugambi & Huhndorf (2010), (= Neocryptosphaerella globosa); Scortechiniaceae
Cryptosphaerella heteropatellae (Höhn.) Höhn. (1917), (= Microsphaeropsis heteropatellae); Didymellaceae
Cryptosphaerella macrozamiae (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1891); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella malindiensis Mugambi & Huhndorf (2010), (= Pseudocryptosphaerella malindiensis); Scortechiniaceae
Cryptosphaerella marylandica Petr. (1963); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella mate Speg. (1908); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella moravica Petr. (1963); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella nitschkei (Auersw.) Sacc. (1882); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella parca Sacc. (1891); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella podanthi Speg. (1921); Coronophoraceae
Cryptosphaerella shearii Petr. (1952); Coronophoraceae

Pages: 1 of 20 records. TofP BofP