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Pages: 1 of 16 records. TofP BofP

Diaporthopsis angelicae (Berk.) Wehm. (1933), (= Mazzantia angelicae); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis apiculosa (Ellis) Wehm. (1933); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis appendiculata Wehm. (1933), (= Clypeoporthella appendiculata); Valsaceae
Diaporthopsis atrofigurans (Rehm) Petr. (1929), (= Phyllachora atrofigurans); Phyllachoraceae
Diaporthopsis atronitens (Rehm) Petr. (1929), (= Phyllachora atrofigurans); Phyllachoraceae
Diaporthopsis brencklei (Petr.) Arx & E. Müll. (1954), (= Clypeoporthella brencklei); Valsaceae
Diaporthopsis kriegeriana (Rehm) Höhn. (1918), (= Clypeoporthella kriegeriana); Valsaceae
Diaporthopsis metrosideri Roane & Fosberg (1983), (= Endothia metrosideri); Melogrammataceae
Diaporthopsis nigrella (Auersw.) Fabre (1883); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis pantherina (Berk.) Wehm. (1933); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis sclerophila Bonar (1966); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis sepium (Sacc. & Penz.) M.E. Barr (1978), (= Mazzantia sepium); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis spiraeae E. Müll. & S. Ahmad (1955); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis therophila (Desm.) Höhn. (1918), (= Phyllachora therophila); Phyllachoraceae
Diaporthopsis trinucleata (Niessl) Höhn. (1918), (= Diaporthe trinucleata); Diaporthaceae
Diaporthopsis urticae (Fr.) Arx & E. Müll. (1954); Diaporthaceae

Pages: 1 of 16 records. TofP BofP