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Pages: 1 of 151 records. TofP BofP

Dothidella achalensis Speg. (1881), (= Microcyclus achalensis); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella adenocalymmatis Henn. (1895), (= Uleodothis balansiana); Venturiaceae
Dothidella adusta Lind (1924); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella agrostidis (Fuckel) Sacc. (1883), (= Scirrhia agrostidis); Dothideaceae
Dothidella albiziae Syd. & P. Syd. (1913), (= Stigmochora albiziae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella alni Peck (1920), (= Platychora alni); Didymellaceae
Dothidella ametableta Rehm (1897), (= Achorella ametableta); Dothideomycetes
Dothidella andiricola Speg. (1921); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella andropogonis Henn. (1907), (= Endodothella andropogonis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella apiculata Sacc. & Berl. (1885); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella aristidae (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Phyllachora aristidae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella artemisiae (Schwein.) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Dothidea artemisiae); Dothideaceae
Dothidella australis Speg. (1880); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella axillaris Höhn. (1910), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella baccharidis Berk. & M.A. Curtis ex Höhn. (1910), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella bambusae Cooke (1892), (= Rhopographus bambusae); Dothideomycetes
Dothidella bambusicola Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler (1911), (= Phyllachora bambusae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella basirufa (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1883); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella berberidis (De Not.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Dothidea berberidis); Dothideaceae
Dothidella berkeleyana (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella betulina (Fr.) Sacc. (1883), (= Atopospora betulina); Venturiaceae
Dothidella betulina subsp. betulae-nanae (Wahlenb.) Sacc. (1883), (= Phyllachora betulae-nanae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella betulina subsp. yakutatiana Sacc. & Scalia (1904), (= Atopospora betulina); Venturiaceae
Dothidella betulina var. yakutatiana (Sacc. & Scalia) Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1905), (= Atopospora betulina); Venturiaceae
Dothidella bicchiana (De Not.) Sacc. (1883), (= Septomazzantia bicchiana); Diaporthaceae
Dothidella bifrons Starbäck (1899), (= Phyllachora phylloplaca); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella bullata (Sacc.) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Systremma placenta); Dothideaceae
Dothidella bullulata (Berk.) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Phyllachora bullulata); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella buxi Höhn. (1905), (= Dothidella depazeoides); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella caaguazuensis Speg. (1885), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella calophylli (Berk. & Broome) Petch (1919), (= Scirrhia calophylli); Dothideaceae
Dothidella calystegiae (Cooke & Harkn.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella canarii Rehm (1913), (= Telimena canarii); Telimenaceae
Dothidella caricina Dearn. & House (1925); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella castaneicola (Ellis & Everh.) Bonar (1928), (= Coniella castaneicola); Schizoparmaceae
Dothidella castanopsidis Dearn. (1924), (= Mycosphaerella castanopsidis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothidella clavispora Viégas (1944); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella colletiae (Henn. & Lindau) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella concaviuscula (Ellis & Everh.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Scirrhia concaviuscula); Dothideaceae
Dothidella confluens (Welw. & Curr.) Sacc. (1891); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella coutoubeae Henn. (1904), (= Phyllachora coutoubeae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella cucurbitacearum Rehm (1897), (= Asterotexis cucurbitacearum); Asterotexaceae
Dothidella dalmatica Picb. (1932), (= Mycosphaerella dalmatica); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothidella depazeoides (Desm.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella derridis (Henn.) Theiss. (1914); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella diplothemii Syd. & P. Syd. (1907), (= Placostroma diplothemii); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella dispar Syd. & P. Syd. (1911), (= Phyllachora dispar); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella domingensis Chardón (1946); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella effusa A.L. Sm. (1895), (= Phaeodothis effusa); Didymosphaeriaceae
Dothidella elettariae (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1883), (= Phyllachora elettariae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella endocrypta (Mont. ex Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886), (= Leveillina endocrypta); Dothideomycetes
Dothidella eugeniae (Thüm. ex Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886), (= Phyllachora eugeniae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella evanescens Rehm (1897), (= Dothidasteromella evanescens); Asterinaceae
Dothidella fallaciosa Rehm (1897), (= Endodothella fallaciosa); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella fallax (Sacc.) Sacc. (1883), (= Phyllachora fallax); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella flava F. Stevens (1920); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella frigida Rostr. (1886), (= Omphalospora melaena); Dothideaceae
Dothidella gigantochloae (Rehm) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella gracilis Speg. (1881), (= Darwiniella gracilis); Ascomycota
Dothidella grammodes (Kunze) Sacc. (1883), (= Pseudomeliola grammodes); Hypocreales
Dothidella heliconiae Henn. (1904), (= Pyrenobotrys heliconiae); Venturiaceae
Dothidella helvetica (Fuckel) Sacc. (1883), (= Phyllachora helvetica); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella heucherae Ellis & Everh. (1900), (= Mycosphaerella heucherae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothidella hieronymi Speg. (1881), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella hippophaes (Pass.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Dothidea hippophaes); Dothideaceae
Dothidella ilicis Tilak (1968); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella inaequalis Cooke (1891), (= Rehmiodothis inaequalis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella indica Sacc. (1914), (= Microcyclus kamatii); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella insculpta (Wallr.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Dothidea insculpta); Dothideaceae
Dothidella janus (Sacc.) Höhn. (1915), (= Mycosphaerella janus); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothidella junci (Alb. & Schwein.) Sacc. (1915), (= Phyllachora junci); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella juniperi (Desm.) Höhn. (1918); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella kaduae (F. Stevens & R.W. Ryan) Arx (1958); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella kalmiae (Peck) Sacc. (1883), (= Phylleutypa kalmiae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella koordersii (Henn.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella kusanoi Henn. (1904), (= Coccochora kusanoi); Dothideomycetes
Dothidella laminariae Rostr. (1895), (= Phycomelaina laminariae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella lilloana Speg. (1898), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella lonchocarpicola Henn. (1904), (= Endodothella lonchocarpicola); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella longissima (Pers.) Ellis & Everh. (1895), (= Phoma longissima); Didymellaceae
Dothidella lorentziana (Speg.) Speg. (1881), (= Placostroma lorentzianum); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella mabae Henn. (1908), (= Phyllachora mabae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella machaerii Rehm (1897), (= Pseudothis machaerii); Diaporthales
Dothidella machaeriophila (Henn.) Sacc. & D. Sacc. (1905), (= Dothidea machaeriophila); Dothideaceae
Dothidella mararyensis Henn. (1904), (= Endodothella mararyensis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella marginata (Lév.) Sacc. (1883); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella martianoffiana (Niessl & Thüm.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella melastomatis Pat. (1891), (= Cyclotheca melastomatis); Microthyriaceae
Dothidella mezerei (Schleich. ex Fr.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella mikaniae Henn. (1902), (= Gibbera mikaniae); Venturiaceae
Dothidella millepunctata Sacc. (1883); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella molluginis Höhn. (1920); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella myrtincola Rehm (1892), (= Phyllachora myrtincola); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella nervisequia (Berk.) Sacc. (1883), (= Rhagadolobium nervisequium); Parmulariaceae
Dothidella oleandrina (Durieu & Mont.) Sacc. (1883); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella osbeckiae (Berk. & Broome) Sacc. (1883), (= Rehmiodothis osbeckiae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella osmundae (Peck & Clinton) Sacc. (1883), (= Neoscirrhia osmundae); Didymellaceae
Dothidella osyridis (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886), (= Microcyclus amphimelaenus); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella osyridis subsp. tassiana Sacc. (1896), (= Microcyclus amphimelaenus); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella osyridis var. tassiana Sacc. ex Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Microcyclus amphimelaenus); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella oxylobii (Henn.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Microcyclus oxylobii); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella pakuri Speg. (1912); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella parkiae Henn. (1904), (= Stigmochora parkiae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella parryi (Farl. ex Cooke) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Planistromella parryi); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella pelvetiae G.K. Sutherl. (1915), (= Pyrenocollema pelvetiae); Ascomycota
Dothidella periclymeni (Fuckel) Theiss. & Syd. (1915); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella periclymeni var. molluginis Höhn. (1920), (= Dothidella periclymeni); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella peruviana Henn. (1908); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella picramniae Syd. & P. Syd. (1913), (= Telimena picramniae); Telimenaceae
Dothidella piptadeniae Henn. (1904), (= Stigmochora controversa); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella placentiformis Rehm (1900), (= Endodothella placentiformis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella platensis Speg. (1902), (= Endodothella platensis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella platyasca Speg. (1909), (= Stigmochora controversa); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella portoricensis F. Stevens (1920); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella pterocarpi Massee (1912), (= Phyllachora pterocarpi); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella pulchella (Syd. & P. Syd.) Arx (1958), (= Cyclotheca pulchella); Microthyriaceae
Dothidella pulverulenta (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1883), (= Rosenscheldiella pulverulenta); Venturiaceae
Dothidella pulvinula Pat. (1893), (= Isomunkia pulvinula); Dothideomycetes
Dothidella renealmiae Rehm (1897), (= Endodothella renealmiae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella rhynchosiae (Lév.) Sacc. (1883), (= Coleroa rhynchosiae); Venturiaceae
Dothidella ribesia (Pers.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Dothiora ribesia); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothidella rosmarini Urries (1932); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella rubiacearum (G. Arnaud) Arx (1958); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella salvadorae (Cooke) Berl. & Voglino (1886), (= Protothyrium salvadorae); Parmulariaceae
Dothidella scirpina Rehm (1897), (= Endodothella scirpina); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella scleriicola Henn. (1904), (= Phyllachora scleriicola); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella scutula (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. (1883), (= Coccoidella scutula); Coccoideaceae
Dothidella serjaniae Henn. (1904), (= Nectria serjaniae); Nectriaceae
Dothidella setariae Sacc. (1903), (= Scirrhia setariae); Dothideaceae
Dothidella sordidula (Lév.) Sacc. (1883), (= Cyclotheca sordidula); Microthyriaceae
Dothidella sphaerelloides Dearn. (1923); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella sphaeroidea (Cooke) Ellis & Everh. (1892), (= Coccodothis sphaeroidea); Parmulariaceae
Dothidella spinicola Höhn. (1905), (= Omphalospora melaena); Dothideaceae
Dothidella stellariae (Lib.) Lind (1905), (= Omphalospora stellariae); Dothideaceae
Dothidella stuebelii Henn. (1904), (= Microcyclus stuebelii); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella tassiana (Sacc.) Mussat (1901), (= Microcyclus amphimelaenus); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella tephrosia (Lév.) Sacc. (1883), (= Diplochorella tephrosia); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella thalictri Lebedeva (1921); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella tinctoria (Tul.) Sacc. (1883), (= Microcyclus tinctoria); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella tosensis Henn. (1904), (= Endodothella tosensis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella tracyi (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. (1891), (= Phyllachora sylvatica); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella trifolii Bayl. Ell. & O.P. Stansf. (1923), (= Polythrincium trifolii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothidella ulei Henn. (1904), (= Pseudocercospora ulei); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothidella ulmea (Fr.) Ellis & Everh. (1892); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella ulmi (C.-J. Duval) G. Winter (1886); Polystomellaceae
Dothidella uvariae Hansf. (1946), (= Microcyclus uvariae); Planistromellaceae
Dothidella vacciniicola Dearn. & House (1916), (= Gibbera vacciniicola); Venturiaceae
Dothidella vismiae E. Bommer & M. Rousseau (1896), (= Endodothella vismiae); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella welwitschii A.L. Sm. (1898), (= Arthopyrenia welwitschii); Trypetheliaceae
Dothidella yapensis Henn. (1902), (= Phyllachora yapensis); Phyllachoraceae
Dothidella zollingeri (Mont. & Berk.) Sacc. (1883), (= Phaeodothiopsis zollingeri); Ascomycota

Pages: 1 of 151 records. TofP BofP