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Pages: 1 of 72 records. TofP BofP

Dothiora agapanthi Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora aloidendri Crous (2020); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora amelanchieris M.E. Barr (2001); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora asterinospora (Ellis & Everh.) Sacc. (1889), (= Myriangium asterinosporum); Myriangiaceae
Dothiora aucupariae (A.L. Sm.) Theiss. & Syd. (1915), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora betulae (P. Karst.) Mussat (1901), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora bupleuricola Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora buxi Jayasiri, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora cactacearum Crous (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora cannabinae Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora ceratoniae (Quaedvl., Verkley & Crous) Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora coronillae Dissan., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora coronillicola Dissanayake, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2021); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora corymbiae Crous (2018); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora cytisi (Wanas., Camporesi, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde) Crous (2018); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora dothideoides (Dearn. & Barthol.) M.E. Barr (2001); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora elliptica Fuckel (1874); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora ellisii (M.E. Barr) Shoemaker & C.E. Babc. (1987); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora europaea Froid. (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora harknessii (Ellis & Everh.) M.E. Barr (1981); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora hederae Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora infuscans Rodr.-Andr., Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora juniperi (P. Karst.) Mussat (1901), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora laureolae Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora lepargyrea (Dearn. ex M.E. Barr) M.E. Barr (2001); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora lonicerae Fuckel (1870), (= Sphaerographium lonicerae); Chaetomellaceae
Dothiora maculans (Ellis & Everh.) Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora mahoniae (A.W. Ramaley) Crous (2018); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora mali (P. Karst.) Mussat (1901), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora meynae R. Rao (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora moravica (Petr.) Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora mutila (Fr.) Fuckel (1870), (= Diplodia mutila); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora oleae (DC.) Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora omanana Maharachch. & Al-Sadi (2020), (= Dothiora omaniana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora petrakiana (Rehm) Petr. (1957); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora phaeosperma Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora phillyreae Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pinacea Velen. (1934); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pistaciae (Quaedvl., Verkley & Crous) Crous (2018); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora polyspora Shear & R.W. Davidson (1940); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pruni (M.E. Barr) M.E. Barr (2001); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pruni-padi Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora prunorum (C. Dennis & Buhagiar) Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pyrenophora (Fr.) Fr. (1849); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pyrenophora [unranked] betulae P. Karst. (1884), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pyrenophora [unranked] juniperi P. Karst. (1884), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pyrenophora [unranked] mali P. Karst. (1884), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora pyrenophora var. salicis P. Karst. (1884), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora rhamni-alpinae Froid. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora ribesia (Pers.) M.E. Barr (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora rimincola (Schwein.) M.E. Barr (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora salicis (P. Karst.) Mussat (1901), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora salicis Vleugel (1908); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora sambucina (Peck) M.E. Barr (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora schizospora Luttr. (1961); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora sepincola (Fr.) Lar.N. Vassiljeva (1987), (= Saccothecium sepincola); Saccotheciaceae
Dothiora slippii M.E. Barr (1972), (= Sydowia slippii); Dothioraceae
Dothiora sorbi (Wahlenb.) Fuckel (1870); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora spartii Dissan., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora sphaeroides (Pers.) Fr. (1849); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora staphylina (Peck) M.E. Barr (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora stictoides (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Y.M. Ahn & Shearer (1998); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora subtropica (G. Winter) J.H. Mill. & Burton (1943), (= Protoscypha subtropica); Protoscyphaceae
Dothiora symploci Petch (1926); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora tamaricis Dennis & Spooner (1977); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora taxicola (Peck) M.E. Barr (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora thujae (Grove) M.E. Barr (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora valdiviana Butin (1975); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora versiformis (M.E. Barr) M.E. Barr (2001); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora viburnicola Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora viticola (Laich & Stchigel) Crous (2022); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiora wolfii M.E. Barr (1972), (= Sydowia wolfii); Dothioraceae

Pages: 1 of 72 records. TofP BofP