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Dothiorella aberrans Peck (1907); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella acaciae Subhedar & V.G. Rao (1976); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella acaciicola Crous & M.J. Wingf. (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella acericola Phookamsak, Tennakoon & K.D. Hyde (2019); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella aceris Höhn. (1914); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella adanensis Petr. (1953); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella advena Sacc. (1882), (= Fusicoccum advenum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella agavicola Petr. (1953); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ailanthina Sacc. (1915); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella albiziae A.R. Rathnayaka & K.D. Hyde (2022); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella alchorneae Petr. & Cif. (1930); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella alfaedensis C. Massal. (1900); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella alhagi S. Ahmad (1971); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella alpina (Y. Zhang ter & Min Zhang) Phookamsak & Hyde (2020); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella americana Úrbez-Torr., Peduto & Gubler (2012); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella amsoniae (Tassi) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella amygdali Cooke & Massee (1891), (= Botryodiplodia amygdali); Diaporthales
Dothiorella annonae Petch (1925); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella apocyni Petr. (1931); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella aquilegiae (Gonz. Frag.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella arachidis M.E.A. Costa & Sousa da Câmara (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella araucariae (Voglino) Petr. (1947); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella armeniaca (Speg.) Arx (1963); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella aromatica (Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella arundinacea S. Ahmad (1964); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella asparagi Gonz. Frag. (1925); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella aucubae (Gabotto) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella australis (Cooke) Petr. & Syd. (1927), (= Idiocercus australis); Ascomycota
Dothiorella baihuashanensis Lu Lin & X.L. Fan (2023); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella banksiae Hansf. (1956); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella barringtoniae (Cooke & Massee) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella berengeriana Sacc. (1880), (= Leptodothiorella berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella berengeriana f. syringae Sacc. (1884), (= Leptodothiorella berengeriana); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella betulae-odoratae Bubák & Vleugel (1917); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella betulicola Glezer (1959); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella biotae Schwarzman (1968); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella bohemica (Bubák & Kabát) M. Morelet & Bellem. (1973); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella bokensis (Henn.) Arx (1957), (= Phyllosticta bokensis); Phyllostictaceae
Dothiorella bolbophila (Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella bougainvilleae A.C. Santos & Sousa da Câmara (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella boussingaultiae (Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler) Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella brassicae M.E.A. Costa & Sousa da Câmara (1953); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella brevicollis Jami, Gryzenh., Slippers & M.J. Wingf. (2012); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella brevipes (Penz. & Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1924); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella broussonetiae Urries (1941); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella caballeroi (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cajani (Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler) Syd., P. Syd. & E.J. Butler (1925), (= Macrophomina phaseolina); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella californica D.P. Lawr. & Trouillas (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella calophylli (Syd. & P. Syd.) Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella calospora Bres. (1926); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella calotropidis S. Ahmad (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella camelliae L.W. Li & Jian K. Liu (2023); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella campsidis M.T. Lucas & Sousa da Câmara (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella candollei (Berk. & Broome) Petr. (1936), (= Hyponectria buxi); Hyponectriaceae
Dothiorella capri-amissi F.J.J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G.J. Marais (2014); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella caricis Petr. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella carpinicola (Delacr.) Petr. & Syd. (1925); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella carthami S. Ahmad (1971); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella caryotae (Syd. & P. Syd.) Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella caseariae Speg. (1910); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella castaneae Sousa da Câmara & A.T. Vasconc. (1953); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella castillejae Murashk. (1924); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella casuarinae J. de Wet, Slippers & M.J. Wingf. (2009); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella catalpae Schwarzman (1968); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella celastri Peck (1909); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cephalandrae S. Ahmad (1969); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cercidospora (Sousa da Câmara) Sousa da Câmara (1949); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella chamaedoreae Caball. (1940); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella chenopodii S. Ahmad (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella chiangmaiensis Rathnayaka & K.D. Hyde (2022); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella chilensis Speg. (1921); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella chrysopogonis S. Ahmad (1971); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cisti M.T. Lucas & Sousa da Câmara (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella citricola (A.J.L. Phillips & Abdollahz.) Tao Yang & Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella citrimurcotticola X.E. Xiao, Crous & H.Y. Li (2021); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella clavigera H. Ruppr. (1958); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella clypeata Syd. (1929); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cneori Gonz. Frag. ex Petr. & Syd. (1926); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cocoes Mhaskar (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella codiaeicola D. Gupta, Chowdhry & Padhi (1981); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella coggygriae Zerova (1951); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella convergens (Tode) Höhn. (1906), (= Pseudovalsa convergens); Coryneaceae
Dothiorella convolvuli Gonz. Frag. (1926); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella coronillae (Desm.) Petr. (1963); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella corylina P. Karst. (1890), (= Pleurostromella corylina); Dothideomycetes
Dothiorella crastophila Sacc. (1913); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella crepinii (Speg. & Roum.) Grove (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cupressi Srinivas. (1970); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cycadis (Keissl.) Petr. (1947), (= Macrophoma cycadis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella cydoniae Oudem. (1904); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella daniellae Pat. & Har. (1908); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella daphnes Gonz. Frag. (1924); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella dasycarpi Oudem. (1903); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella dauci Vala, J.N. Kapoor & Chowdhry (1984); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella davidiae Zambett., Waliyar & Scannell (1977); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella davisii (Ellis & Everh.) Arx (1957), (= Phyllosticta davisii); Phyllostictaceae
Dothiorella desmostachyae S. Ahmad (1971); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella diatrypea (Cooke & Ellis) Grove (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella diospyri Petr. & Syd. (1924); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella diospyri (Ellis & Everh.) Arx (1957), (= Phyllosticta arxii); Phyllostictaceae
Dothiorella diospyricola W. Zhang & Crous (2021); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella divergens Peck (1910); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella dominicana Petr. & Cif. (1930); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella dracaenae D. Gupta, Chowdhry & Padhi (1981); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella dulcispinae Jami, Gryzenh., Slippers & M.J. Wingf. (2012); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ellisii Arx (1957); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ephedrae (Gonz. Frag.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella eriobotryae Gonz.-Domíng., Armengol & A. Alves (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella erythraea Sacc. (1917); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella erythrinae S. Ahmad (1971); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella eucalyptorum (Turconi) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella euonymicola (Petr.) Petr. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella euonymi-japonicae (Siemaszko) Petr. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella euphorbiae Jaap (1916); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella fabae Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella fici Tilak (1966); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ficina S. Ahmad (1951); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella franceschinii Linaldeddu, A. Alves & A.J.L. Phillips (2023); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella frangulae Died. (1912), (= Pleurostromella frangulae); Dothideomycetes
Dothiorella fraxinea Sacc. & Roum. (1884); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella fraxini f. forsythiae (Died.) Höhn. (1929), (= Fusicoccum forsythiae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella fructicola Scalia (1902); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella gaurensis Soni, Dadwal & Jamaluddin (1983); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella genistae Sousa da Câmara (1950); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella glandaria (Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella glandulosa (Cooke) Sacc. (1884), (= Sphaeropsis glandulosa); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella gleditsiae (Cooke) Grove (1920); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella graminicola S. Ahmad (1951); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella gregaria Sacc. (1881), (= Neofusicoccum ribis); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella guttulata Qing Tian, Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella hawaiensis Petr. (1953); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella henriquesiana (J.V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Petr. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella heterophyllae Marinc., Jami & M.J. Wingf. (2019); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella hibiscicola (Tassi) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella hicoriae Dearn. & House (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella hispalensis (Bubák & Gonz. Frag.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella hoffmannii Höhn. (1929); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella holstii (Henn.) Arx (1957), (= Phyllostictina holstii); Phyllostictaceae
Dothiorella hypomutilospora (J.V. Almeida & Sousa da Câmara) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella iberica A.J.L. Phillips, J. Luque & A. Alves (2005); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ilicella (Sacc. & Penz.) Petr. & Syd. (1927), (= Fusicoccum ilicellum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella indica Soni, Dadwal & Jamaluddin (1983); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella insulana (Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella inversa (Fr.) Höhn. (1906), (= Sirodothis inversa); Tympanidaceae
Dothiorella ipomoeae S. Ahmad (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella iranica Abdollahz., Zare & A.J.L. Phillips (2014); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella irregularis Died. (1912), (= Phomopsis irregularis); Diaporthaceae
Dothiorella italica Dissan., Camporesi & K.D. Hyde (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella jaapiana Petr. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella jasminicola (Gonz. Frag.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella juglandaria (Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella juglandina (Died.) Höhn. (1929), (= Fusicoccum juglandinum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella juniperi (Fr.) Sacc. (1884), (= Tympanis conspersa); Tympanidaceae
Dothiorella kanoorii Subhedar & V.G. Rao (1979); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella kilinensis Miura (1928); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella koae Marinc., Jami & M.J. Wingf. (2019); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella kraunhiae Gonz. Frag. (1924); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ladharensis S. Ahmad (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella lagenariae (Thüm.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella lagerstroemiae S. Ahmad (1951); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella lampangensis Jayasiri, E.B.G. Jones & K.D. Hyde (2019); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella lanceolata (Cooke & Ellis) Petr. (1927), (= Fusicoccum lanceolatum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella latitans (Fr.) Sacc. (1884); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella laurina (Siemaszko) Petr. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ledi Lind & Vleugel (1911); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella leucaenicola S. Ahmad (1969); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella limbalis (Syd.) Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella liriodendri (Cooke) Sacc. (1884), (= Mycosphaerella liriodendri); Mycosphaerellaceae
Dothiorella longicollis Pavlic, T.I. Burgess & M.J. Wingf. (2008); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella lonicerae M.E.A. Costa & Sousa da Câmara (1952); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella macadamiae Dias & Sousa da Câmara (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella macarangae Höhn. (1929); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella macrospora (Sacc. & H. Briard) Petr. & Syd. (1926), (= Fusicoccum macrosporum); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella maculosa Sacc. (1919); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella magnifructa (Peck) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella magnoliae C.M. Tian & C.J. You (2017); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella major Ellis & Everh. (1902); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella mali var. fructans Dearn. (1941), (= Botryosphaeria dothidea); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella mali var. globuligera Marchal & É.J. Marchal (1921), (= Dothiora pyrenophora); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella mandshuricae Petr. (1934); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella mangiferae Syd. & P. Syd. (1916), (= Neofusicoccum mangiferae); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella mangifericola Tao Yang & Crous (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella meliae S. Ahmad (1972); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella microspora McAlpine (1902); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella mirabilis (Gonz. Frag.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella moneti K.M. Taylor, P.A. Barber, G.E. Hardy & T.I. Burgess (2009); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella monsterae (Sacc.) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella multicocca Ellis & Barthol. (1902); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella myricariae Cooke & Massee (1887), (= Coniothyrium caespitulosum); Coniothyriaceae
Dothiorella myricariae f. germanica Allesch. (1897), (= Coniothyrium caespitulosum); Coniothyriaceae
Dothiorella neclivora W.M. Pitt & Úrbez-Torr. (2015); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella nectandrae Bres. (1926); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella nucis Fairm. (1921); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella nuptialis (Bubák) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella oblonga F.J.J. Van der Walt, Slippers & G.J. Marais (2014); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella obovata A.R. Rathnayaka & K.D. Hyde (2022); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella oenotherae (Tassi) Petr. & Syd. (1927); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella olearum Petr. (1954); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella omnivora Linald., Deidda & Scanu (2016); Botryosphaeriaceae
Dothiorella ononidicola Gonz. Frag. (1920); Botryosphaeriaceae

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