Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP

Gomphillus baeomyceoides F. Wilson (1888), (= Bapalmuia buchananii); Byssolomataceae
Gomphillus calycioides (Delise ex Duby) Nyl. (1853); Gomphillaceae
Gomphillus calycioides f. microcephalus (Taylor) Nyl. (1860), (= Gomphillus calycioides); Gomphillaceae
Gomphillus calycioides var. microcephalus (Taylor) Nyl. (1858), (= Gomphillus calycioides); Gomphillaceae
Gomphillus caribaeus W.R. Buck (1998), (= Bryogomphus caribaeus); Byssolomataceae
Gomphillus hyalinus (Pat.) Lücking, Kalb & Vězda (2007); Gomphillaceae
Gomphillus morchelloides Lücking & Sérus. (2005); Gomphillaceae
Gomphillus pedersenii L.I. Ferraro & Lücking (2005); Gomphillaceae

Pages: 1 of 8 records. TofP BofP