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Pages: 1 of 27 records. TofP BofP

Helicodendron amazonense Matsush. (1983); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron articulatum Glen Bott (1955); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron conglomeratum Glen Bott (1955), (= Lambertella tubulosa); Rutstroemiaceae
Helicodendron coniferarum Voglmayr (1997); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron cumbriense Abdullah (1983); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron fractum P.J. Fisher (1979); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron fuscum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Linder (1929); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron giganteum Glen Bott (1951), (= Mollisia gigantea); Mollisiaceae
Helicodendron hyalinum Linder (1929); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron indicum Varghese & V.G. Rao (1980); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron intestinale Abdullah (1979); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron japonicum Abdullah (1987); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron longisporum Abdullah (1987); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron longitubulosum Voglmayr (1997); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron luteoalbum Glen Bott (1955); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron microsporum Abdullah, Cano, Descals & Guarro (2000); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron minutum Goos & Uecker (1992); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron multicatenulatum Beverw. (1953); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron multiseptatum Abdullah (1983); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron paradoxum Peyronel (1918), (= Hymenoscyphus paradoxus); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron pinicola E. Müll., Petrini, P.J. Fisher, Samuels & Rossman ex Voglmayr & P.J. Fisher (1997), (= Tyrannosorus pinicola); Dothideomycetes
Helicodendron praetermissum Voglmayr (1997); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron triglitziense (Jaap) Linder (1929); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron tubulosum (Riess) Linder (1929), (= Lambertella tubulosa); Rutstroemiaceae
Helicodendron tubulosum var. phialosporum G.L. Barron (1961), (= Lambertella tubulosa); Rutstroemiaceae
Helicodendron websteri Voglmayr & P.J. Fisher (1997); Helotiaceae
Helicodendron westerdijkiae Beverw. (1953); Helotiaceae

Pages: 1 of 27 records. TofP BofP