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Pages: 1 of 57 records. TofP BofP

Herpothallon adnatum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon alae Sipman (2018); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon albidum (Fée) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009), (= Crypthonia albida); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon antillarum (Vain.) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009), (= Diorygma antillarum); Graphidaceae
Herpothallon aurantiacoflavum (B. de Lesd.) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon australasicum (Elix) Elix & G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon biacidum Frisch, Elix & G. Thor (2010); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon brialmonticum Aptroot & Elix (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon capilliferum P.F. Chen & L.L. Zhang (2022); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon cinereum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon confluenticum Aptroot & Lücking (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon confusum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon corallinum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon coralloides Jagad. Ram (2014); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon echinatum Aptroot, Lücking & Will-Wolf (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon elegans G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon fertile Aptroot & Lücking (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon flavominutum Jagad. Ram, G.P. Sinha & Elix (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon furfuraceum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon glaucescens L.L. Liu & Lu L. Zhang (2023); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon globosum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon globuliferum Jagad. Ram (2014); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon granulare (Sipman) Aptroot & Lücking (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon granulosum Jagad. Ram & G.P. Sinha (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon himalayanum Jagad. Ram & G.P. Sinha (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon hypoprotocetraricum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon hyposticticum Bungartz & Elix (2013); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon inopinatum Frisch & G. Thor (2014); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon isidiatum Jagad. Ram & G.P. Sinha (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon japonicum (Zahlbr.) G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon kigeziense Frisch & G. Thor (2013); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon lilacinum L.L. Liu & Lu L. Zhang (2023); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon lutescens Jagad. Ram (2014); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon minimum Aptroot & Lücking (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon minutum Jagad. Ram (2014); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon mycelioides (Vain.) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009), (= Crypthonia mycelioides); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon nigroisidiatum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon philippinum (Vain.) Aptroot & Lücking (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon polyisidiatum P.F. Chen & L.L. Zhang (2022); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon purpureum Aptroot & M.F. Souza (2021); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon pustulatum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon queenslandicum (Elix) Elix (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon roseocinctum (Fr.) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon rubrocinctoides (G. Thor) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon rubrocinctum (Ehrenb.) Aptroot, Lücking & G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon rubroechinatum Frisch & G. Thor (2010); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon rubrogranulosum Lendemer (2022); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon rubromaculatum G. Thor (2009); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon sanguineum (Sw.) Tobler (1937), (= Herpothallon rubrocinctum); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon sanguineum f. roseocinctum (Fr.) Tomas. (1954), (= Herpothallon roseocinctum); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon saxorum Bungartz & Elix (2013); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon sipmanii Aptroot, Lücking & Rivas Plata (2009), (= Heiomasia sipmanii); Graphidaceae
Herpothallon subglobosum P.F. Chen & L.L. Zhang (2022); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon tomentosum L.L. Liu & Lu L. Zhang (2023); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon tricolor Aptroot & M. Cáceres (2017); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon viridi-isidiatum P.F. Chen & L.L. Zhang (2022); Arthoniaceae
Herpothallon weii Y.L. Cheng & H.Y. Wang (2012); Arthoniaceae

Pages: 1 of 57 records. TofP BofP