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Pages: 1 of 42 records. TofP BofP

Microthecium aculeatum (E.C. Hansen) Höhn. (1914), (= Melanospora aculeata); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium africanum (J.C. Krug) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium argentinense (Speg.) Höhn. (1914); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium beatonii D. Hawksw. (1977), (= Sphaerodes beatonii); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium brevirostratum (Moreau) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium brevirostre (Fuckel) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium ciliatum Udagawa & Takada (1974), (= Pteridiosperma ciliatum); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium compressum Udagawa & Cain (1970), (= Sphaerodes compressa); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium ellipsosporum Takada (1973), (= Dactylidispora ellipsospora); Melanosporales
Microthecium epimyces (Höhn.) Höhn. (1914), (= Melanospora epimyces); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium episphaerium (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Höhn. (1914), (= Sphaerodes episphaerium); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium fayodii (Vuill.) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium fimbriatum (Rostr.) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium fimicola (E.C. Hansen) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium foveolatum Udagawa & Y. Horie (1977), (= Pteridiosperma foveolatum); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium fusisporum (Petch) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium geoporae (W. Oberm.) Höhn. (1914); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium hypomyces (Höhn.) Höhn. (1914), (= Melanospora hypomyces); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium inferius (Udagawa & Cain) D.W. Li, R.F. Castañeda & N.P. Schultes (2020); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium inordinatum Malloch & Cain (1972), (= Rhytidospora inordinata); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium internum (Tehon & G.L. Stout) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium japonicum (Y. Horie, Udagawa & P.F. Cannon) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium lenticulare (Udagawa & T. Muroi) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium levitum Udagawa & Cain (1970); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium marchicum (Lindau) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium masonii (Kirschst.) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium micropertusum (Y. Horie, Udagawa & P.F. Cannon) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium moreaui (P.F. Cannon & D. Hawksw.) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium nectrioides (Marchal) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium pegleri (D. Hawksw. & A. Henrici) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium perplexum D. Hawksw. (1977), (= Sphaerodes perplexa); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium phoenicis Maire (1917); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium quadrangulare (Dania García, Stchigel & Guarro) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium ramosii Syd. & P. Syd. (1917); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium retisporum Udagawa & Cain (1970), (= Sphaerodes retispora); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium retisporum var. inferius Udagawa & Cain (1970), (= Microthecium inferius); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium ryvardenianum Aramb. & Gamundí (1985); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium sepedonioides (Preuss) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium setchellii (Harkn.) Höhn. (1914), (= Melanospora setchellii); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium tenuissimum (Dania García, Stchigel & Guarro) Y. Marín, Stchigel, Guarro & Cano (2018); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium theleboloides (Fuckel) Höhn. (1914), (= Pustulipora corticola); Ceratostomataceae
Microthecium zobelii Corda (1842); Ceratostomataceae

Pages: 1 of 42 records. TofP BofP