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Pages: 1 of 23 records. TofP BofP

Neotyphodium ×siegelii K.D. Craven, Leuchtm. & Schardl (2001), (= Epichloe siegelii); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium aotearoae C.D. Moon, C.O. Miles & Schardl (2002), (= Epichloe aotearoae); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium australiense C.D. Moon & Schardl (2002), (= Epichloe australiensis); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium chilense (Morgan-Jones, J.F. White & Piont.) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Acremonium chilense); Hypocreales
Neotyphodium chisosum (J.F. White & Morgan-Jones) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Epichloe chisosa); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium coenophialum (Morgan-Jones & W. Gams) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Epichloe coenophiala); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium funkii K.D. Craven & Schardl (2008), (= Epichloe funkii); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium gansuense C.J. Li & Nan (2004), (= Epichloe gansuensis); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium gansuense var. inebrians C.D. Moon & Schardl (2008), (= Epichloe inebrians); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium huerfanum (J.F. White, G.T. Cole & Morgan-Jones) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium lolii (Latch, M.J. Chr. & Samuels) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Epichloe festucae); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium melicicola C.D. Moon & Schardl (2002), (= Epichloe melicicola); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium occultans C.D. Moon, B. Scott & M.J. Chr. (2000), (= Epichloe occultans); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium pampeanum Iannone & Cabral (2009), (= Epichloe pampeana); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium sibirici X. Zhang & Y.B. Gao (2009), (= Epichloe sibirici); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium sinicum Z.W. Wang, Y.L. Ji & Y. Kang (2009), (= Epichloe sinica); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium sinofestucae Y.G. Chen, Y.L. Ji & Z.W. Wang (2009), (= Epichloe sinofestucae); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium starrii (J.F. White & Morgan-Jones) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Acremonium starrii); Hypocreales
Neotyphodium stromatolongum Y.L. Ji, L.H. Zhan & Z.W. Wang (2009), (= Epichloe stromatolonga); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium tembladerae Cabral & J.F. White (1999), (= Epichloe tembladerae); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium typhinum (Morgan-Jones & W. Gams) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Epichloe mollis); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium typhinum var. canariense C.D. Moon, B. Scott & M.J. Chr. (2000), (= Epichloe typhina); Clavicipitaceae
Neotyphodium uncinatum (W. Gams, Petrini & D. Schmidt) Glenn, C.W. Bacon & Hanlin (1996), (= Epichloe uncinata); Clavicipitaceae

Pages: 1 of 23 records. TofP BofP