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Pages: 1 of 136 records. TofP BofP

Phaeoramularia acanthicola (Hansf.) Deighton (1987), (= Passalora acanthicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia acericola X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Passalora acericola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia actaeae (Ellis & Holw.) U. Braun (1993), (= Passalora actaeae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia adenocalymmatis (A.S. Mull. & Chupp) Crous & M.P.S. Câmara (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia adenostemmatis R.K. Verma & Kamal (1989), (= Passalora adenostemmatis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia ahmadii (Petr.) U. Braun (1995), (= Passalora ahmadii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia ajrekarii (Syd. & P. Syd.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora ajrekarii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia alabamensis (G.F. Atk.) C.E. García & N. Pons (1997); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia angolensis (T. Carvalho & O. Mendes) P.M. Kirk (1986), (= Pseudocercospora angolensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia antigoni (M.L. Farr) Deighton (1979), (= Passalora antigoni); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia antipus (Ellis & Holw.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora antipus); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia aristolochiana S.K. Majumdar, S. Singh ter & Anuradha (2004); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia asclepiadacearum Gadp., D.K. Dwivedi & A.N. Rai (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia asiatica A.N. Rai & Kamal (1988); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia barringtoniae (Syd. & P. Syd.) X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Cercospora barringtoniae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia barringtoniicola Y.L. Guo (2002), (= Passalora barringtoniicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia bauhiniae S.K. Singh, Bhalla & Kamal (1999), (= Passalora bauhiniigena); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia braunii S.K. Singh, Arch. Singh & Kamal (1997), (= Passalora braunii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia bruchiana (Speg.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora bruchiana); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia buchananiana S.K. Majumdar, S. Singh ter & Anuradha (2004); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia buteae Kamal, B.K. Gupta & C. Gupta (1990), (= Passalora buteae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia caesalpiniacearum Gadp., D.K. Dwivedi & A.N. Rai (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia caesalpiniae Bhalla, A.K. Sarbhoy, M. Kulshr. & K.P.S. Kushwaha (2001), (= Passalora caesalpiniae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia calotropidicola S.K. Singh & R.K. Chaudhary (1996); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia calotropidis (Ellis & Everh.) Kamal, A.S. Moses & R. Chaudhary (1990), (= Clypeosphaerella calotropidis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia capsicicola (Vassiljevsky) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora capsicicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia catenospora (G.F. Atk.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora catenospora); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia cephalanthi (Ellis & Kellerm.) U. Braun (1998), (= Passalora cephalanthi); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia chuppii (Viégas) Inácio & Dianese (1996), (= Passalora chuppii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia ciccaronei N. Pons (1993), (= Cercospora sorghi); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia cimicifugae F.Y. Zhai, Y.L. Guo & Yu Li (2009), (= Passalora cimicifugae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia clematidis S.K. Singh & R.K. Chaudhary (1995), (= Passalora clematidis-gourianae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia coalescens (Davis) U. Braun & Rogerson (1993), (= Passalora coalescens); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia collomiae U. Braun & Rogerson (1993), (= Passalora collomiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia cordiae P. Kumar & Kamal (1980), (= Passalora cordiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia crotonis (Ellis & Everh.) Crous, U. Braun & Alfenas (1999), (= Passalora crotonis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia crotonis-oligandri (J.M. Yen & Gilles) Crous, U. Braun & Alfenas (1999), (= Passalora crotonis-oligandri); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia cucurbiticola (Henn.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora cucurbiticola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia cylindrica R.K. Chaudhary, Tripathi, P.N. Singh & Kamal (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia cyperi D. Gupta, Padhi & Chowdhry (1981), (= Passalora cyperi); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia delphinii F.Y. Zhai, Y.L. Guo & Yu Li (2007), (= Passalora delphinii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia destruens F. Anderson, Delhey & U. Braun (1998), (= Passalora destruens); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia dichanthii-annulati R.K. Chaudhary, S.K. Singh & P.N. Singh (2002), (= Passalora dichanthii-annulati); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia digitariae Crous & B. Sutton (1997), (= Passalora digitariae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia dioscoreae (Ellis & G. Martin) Deighton (1976), (= Distocercosporaster dioscoreae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia dissiliens (Duby) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora dissiliens); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia erigeronis R.K. Chaudhary, S.K. Singh & P.N. Singh (2002); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia eucalyptorum Crous (1998), (= Passalora eucalyptorum); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia eupatorii A.K. Das (1991), (= Passalora eupatorii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia eupatorii-odorati (J.M. Yen) X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia euphorbiae Q.X. Ge, X.J. Liu, T. Xu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Passalora euphorbiicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia ficina S.K. Singh & R.K. Chaudhary (1996), (= Passalora ficina); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia fusimaculans (G.F. Atk.) X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Catenulocercospora fusimaculans); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia gayophyti (Ellis & Everh.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora gayophyti); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia geranii (W.B. Cooke & C.G. Shaw) U. Braun (1993), (= Pseudophaeoramularia geranii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia gibertii (Speg.) U. Braun (1999), (= Passalora gibertii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia goaensis S.K. Singh, Dhanorkar & Waing. (2004), (= Passalora goaensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia gomphrenicola (Speg.) Munt.-Cvetk. (1960), (= Passalora gomphrenicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia graminicola Mukerji & M. Khanna (1983); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia grewiae Y.L. Guo & Li Xu (2002), (= Passalora grewiigena); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia hachijoensis Matsush. (1975), (= Tyrannosorus hystrioides); Dothideomycetes
Phaeoramularia helianthi X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Passalora helianthicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia heliotropii (Ellis & Everh.) N. Pons & B. Sutton (1996), (= Passalora heliotropii); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia heterospora (Ellis & Galloway) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora heterosporella); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia hoehnelii Petzoldt (1992), (= Passalora heterospora); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia hyptidigena Kamal, A.S. Moses & R. Chaudhary (1990), (= Passalora hyptidigena); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia imperatae R.K. Chaudhary, Tripathi, P.N. Singh & Kamal (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia indica S.K. Singh, R.K. Chaudhary & Meenu (1997); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia iresines Munt.-Cvetk. (1960), (= Passalora iresines); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia isolonae Siboe, P.M. Kirk & P.F. Cannon (2000), (= Passalora isolonae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia isotomae Deighton (1986); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia kellermaniana Marasas & I.H. Bredell (1974), (= Chalastospora gossypii); Pleosporaceae
Phaeoramularia leeae (Chidd.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora leeae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia legrellei V.G. Rao & B.R.D. Yadav (1991), (= Passalora legrellei); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia leptadeniae (Chidd.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora leptadeniae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia levieri (Magnus) U. Braun (1997); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia lomaensis Deighton (1979), (= Passalora lomaensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia macrospora R.K. Chaudhary, Tripathi, P.N. Singh & Kamal (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia maculicola (Romell & Sacc.) B. Sutton (1970); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia malpighiae U. Braun & Mouch. (1999), (= Passalora malpighiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia manihotis (F. Stevens & Solheim) M.B. Ellis (1976), (= Passalora manihotis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia maritima (Tracy & Earle) Crous, U. Braun & Alfenas (1999), (= Passalora maritima); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia markhamiae X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Passalora markhamiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia marmorata (Tranzschel) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora marmorata); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia marsdeniae S.K. Singh, Bhalla & Kamal (1999); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia marsdeniae S.K. Singh, Bhalla & Kamal (2003); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia meridiana (Chupp) Deighton (1979), (= Passalora meridiana); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia microspora R.K. Chaudhary, Tripathi, P.N. Singh & Kamal (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia minutissima (Desm.) U. Braun (1992), (= Passalora minutissima); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia momordicae (Heald & F.A. Wolf) U. Braun (1993), (= Passalora momordicae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia montana (Speg.) Y.L. Guo & X.J. Liu (1989), (= Passalora montana); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia moracearum S.K. Singh, R.K. Chaudhary & Meenu (1997); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia nepalensis S.K. Singh & R.K. Chaudhary (1995), (= Passalora neonepalensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia occidentalis (Cooke) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora occidentalis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia oculata (Ellis & Kellerm.) U. Braun (1999), (= Passalora oculata); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia oldenlandiae (Hansf.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora oldenlandiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia ougeiniae M.D. Mehrotra & R.K. Verma (1991), (= Passalora ougeiniae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia pachirae Chupp & A.S. Mull. ex J.J. Muchovej & F.A. Ferreira (1991), (= Pseudocercospora pachirae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia papaveris F.Y. Zhai, Y.L. Guo & Yu Li (2006), (= Passalora papaveris); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia parodaxa Munt.-Cvetk. (1960), (= Passalora paradoxa); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia penicillata (Ces.) X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Passalora penicillata); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia pergulariae Dublish & P.N. Singh (1977), (= Passalora pergulariae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia periclymeni (G. Winter) Deighton (1979), (= Passalora periclymeni); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia platensis (Speg.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora platensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia plucheae (Petr. & Cif.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora plucheae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia pruni Y.L. Guo & X.J. Liu (1987), (= Passalora pruni); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia psidii-guajavae S.K. Singh, R.K. Chaudhary & Meenu (1997); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia punctiformis (Schltdl.) U. Braun (1992); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia pyricola S.K. Singh & R.K. Chaudhary (1995), (= Passalora pyricola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia pyrigena S.K. Singh & R.K. Chaudhary (1996), (= Passalora pyrigena); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia pyrostegiae (Viégas) Inácio & Dianese (1996), (= Passalora pyrostegiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia rauvolfiae Deighton (1979), (= Passalora rauvolfiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia rhamnacearum S. Shrivast., N. Verma & A.N. Rai (2009), (= Passalora rhamnacearum); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia rhois (E. Castell.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora rhois); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia rosigena R.K. Chaudhary, S.K. Singh & P.N. Singh (2002); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia saururi (Ellis & Everh.) Crous & El-Gholl (1999), (= Passalora saururi); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia scandicearum (Magnus) U. Braun (1993), (= Passalora scandicearum); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia schisandrae Y.L. Guo (1993), (= Passalora schisandrae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia spiraeae R.K. Chaudhary, Tripathi, P.N. Singh & Kamal (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia sudanensis Deighton (1979), (= Passalora sudanensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia symphoricarpi (Ellis & Everh.) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora symphoricarpi); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia tabebuiae J.J. Muchovej & F.A. Ferreira (1981), (= Passalora tabebuiae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia tephrosiicola S.K. Singh, Bhalla & Kamal (1999), (= Passalora tephrosiicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia tinosporae Kamal, A.S. Moses & R. Chaudhary (1990), (= Pseudocercospora tinosporigena); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia tithoniae (R.E.D. Baker & W.T. Dale) Deighton (1976), (= Passalora tithoniae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia trigonellae S.K. Singh, Arch. Singh & Kamal (1997), (= Passalora trigonellae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia triloba (Chupp) X.J. Liu & Y.L. Guo (1982), (= Pseudocercospora triloba); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia unamunoi (E. Castell.) Munt.-Cvetk. (1960), (= Cercospora capsici); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia uttarkashiensis Kamal, B.K. Gupta & C. Gupta (1990), (= Passalora uttarkashiensis); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia valerianae H.D. Shin & U. Braun (1998), (= Passalora valerianicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia valerianicola H.D. Shin & U. Braun (1993), (= Passalora valerianicola); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia verbenacearum Gadp., D.K. Dwivedi & A.N. Rai (1998); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia vexans (C. Massal. ex Sacc.) Y.L. Guo (1996), (= Passalora vexans); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia viburni (Ellis & Everh.) U. Braun (1993), (= Passalora viburni); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia weigelae Y.L. Guo & X.J. Liu (1987), (= Passalora weigelae); Mycosphaerellaceae
Phaeoramularia weigelicola U. Braun & H.D. Shin (1996), (= Passalora weigelicola); Mycosphaerellaceae

Pages: 1 of 136 records. TofP BofP