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Pages: 1 of 94 records. TofP BofP

Physoderma aeschynomenes Thirum. & M.D. Whitehead (1951); Physodermataceae
Physoderma alfalfae (Lagerh.) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma alismatis (Büsgen) De Wild. (1896), (= Physoderma maculare); Physodermataceae
Physoderma alpinum R. Sprague (1961); Physodermataceae
Physoderma aneilematis Pavgi & Thirum. (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma aponogetonicola Pavgi & L. Singh (1977); Physodermataceae
Physoderma aponogetonis Sparrow (1953); Physodermataceae
Physoderma asphodeli (F. Debray ex Pat.) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma astomatis (Rayss) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma aureum Bonord. (1860), (= Melampsora epitea); Melampsoraceae
Physoderma australasicum (McAlpine) J. Walker (1963); Physodermataceae
Physoderma beckmanniae R. Sprague (1955); Physodermataceae
Physoderma bohemicum Sacc. (1914); Physodermataceae
Physoderma bothriochloae Thirum. & Pavgi (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma brachiariae Thirum. & Pavgi (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma brachiariae-eruciformis Thirum. & Pavgi (1964); Physodermataceae
Physoderma chrysopogonicola Thirum. & Pavgi (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma citri Childs, L.E. Kopp & T.W. Johnson (1965); Physodermataceae
Physoderma claytonianum H.C. Greene (1944); Physodermataceae
Physoderma claytonianum var. sparrowii Savile & Parmelee (1956), (= Physoderma claytonianum); Physodermataceae
Physoderma comari (Berk. & F.B. White) Lagerh. (1898); Physodermataceae
Physoderma commelinae Lingappa (1955); Physodermataceae
Physoderma corchori Lingappa (1955); Physodermataceae
Physoderma crepidis Rostr. (1903); Physodermataceae
Physoderma cynodontis Pavgi & Thirum. (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma debeauxii Bubák (1903); Physodermataceae
Physoderma dichanthiicola Pavgi & Thirum. (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma dicksonii Thirum. & Pavgi (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma digitariae Pavgi & Thirum. (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma digitariae-longiflorae Thirum. & Pavgi (1964), (= Physoderma digitariae); Physodermataceae
Physoderma digitariae-marginatae Thirum. & Pavgi (1964), (= Physoderma digitariae); Physodermataceae
Physoderma dulichii Johns (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma echinochloae Thirum. & M.D. Whitehead (1953); Physodermataceae
Physoderma eleocharidis (Fuckel) J. Schröt. (1886); Physodermataceae
Physoderma endogenum (Unger) Cornu (1883), (= Melanotaenium endogenum); Melanotaeniaceae
Physoderma eragrostidis Thirum. & Pavgi (1964); Physodermataceae
Physoderma eriochloae Pavgi & Thirum. (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma eryngii Corda (1839), (= Entyloma eryngii); Entylomataceae
Physoderma fabae Syd. (1928); Physodermataceae
Physoderma flammulae (Büsgen) De Wild. (1896); Physodermataceae
Physoderma gerhardtii J. Schröt. (1886); Physodermataceae
Physoderma gibbosum Wallr. (1833), (= Protomyces macrosporus); Taphrinaceae
Physoderma graminis (Büsgen) De Wild. (1896); Physodermataceae
Physoderma hemisphaericum (Speg.) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma hydrocotylidis Viégas & Teixeira (1943); Physodermataceae
Physoderma indicum S. Naray. & Thirum. (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma johnsii Sparrow (1961); Physodermataceae
Physoderma kriegeriana (Magnus) Vestergr. (1900); Physodermataceae
Physoderma kyllingae Pavgi & Thirum. (1964); Physodermataceae
Physoderma lathyri (Palm) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma leproides (Trab.) Lagerh. (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma limnanthemi Thirum. (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma lycopodis Sparrow (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma maculare Wallr. (1833); Physodermataceae
Physoderma majus J. Schröt. (1882); Physodermataceae
Physoderma majus (J. Schröt.) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma marsileae M.S. Brewster (1952); Physodermataceae
Physoderma maydis (Miyabe) Miyabe (1909); Physodermataceae
Physoderma meliloti (Maire) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma menthae J. Schröt. (1886); Physodermataceae
Physoderma menyanthis (de Bary) de Bary (1874), (= Cladochytrium menyanthis); Cladochytriaceae
Physoderma miniatum (Pers.) Bonord. (1851), (= Phragmidium mucronatum); Phragmidiaceae
Physoderma mouretii (Maire) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma muscari (G. Poirault) Sacc. & Trotter (1912); Physodermataceae
Physoderma myriophylli (Rostr.) Vestergr. (1909); Physodermataceae
Physoderma narasimhanii Thirum. & Pavgi (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma negeri Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma nelumbii Mishra & Thirum. (1953); Physodermataceae
Physoderma notosciadii Speg. ex Karling (1956); Physodermataceae
Physoderma ornithogali Maire (1928); Physodermataceae
Physoderma pallidum Bonord. (1860), (= Physonema pallidum); Phragmidiaceae
Physoderma palustre Sparrow (1961); Physodermataceae
Physoderma pancratii V.N. Pathak, Prasad & D.D. Shukla (1971); Physodermataceae
Physoderma paspali J.A. Stev. (1946); Physodermataceae
Physoderma paspalidii Thirum. & Pavgi (1957); Physodermataceae
Physoderma pluriannulatum (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma potteri (A.W. Bartlett) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma pulposum Wallr. (1833); Physodermataceae
Physoderma punctiforme (Speg.) Karling (1950), (= Physoderma ruebsaamenii); Physodermataceae
Physoderma rayssiae Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma ruebsaamenii (Magnus) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma sagittariae Fuckel (1865), (= Doassansia sagittariae); Doassansiaceae
Physoderma schroeteri Krieg. (1896); Physodermataceae
Physoderma scirpicola Pavgi & L. Singh (1977); Physodermataceae
Physoderma setariicola Pavgi & Thirum. (1954); Physodermataceae
Physoderma sparrovii Thirum. & Pavgi (1964); Physodermataceae
Physoderma tenue (Nowak.) P. Karst. (1878), (= Cladochytrium tenue); Cladochytriaceae
Physoderma thirumalacharii Pavgi & L. Singh (1980); Physodermataceae
Physoderma trachoniticum Syd. (1935); Physodermataceae
Physoderma trifolii (Pass.) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma urgineae (Pat. & Trab.) Maire (1911); Physodermataceae
Physoderma vagabundum (Speg.) Karling (1950); Physodermataceae
Physoderma vagans J. Schröt. (1886); Physodermataceae
Physoderma zeae-maydis F.J.F. Shaw (1912), (= Physoderma maydis); Physodermataceae

Pages: 1 of 94 records. TofP BofP