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Pages: 1 of 122 records. TofP BofP

Pleurage adelura Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora adelura); Podosporaceae
Pleurage americana (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Pestalotiopsis versicolor); Pestalotiopsidaceae
Pleurage anomala Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora anomala); Podosporaceae
Pleurage anserina (Rabenh.) Kuntze (1898), (= Triangularia anserina); Podosporaceae
Pleurage apiculifera (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora apiculifera); Podosporaceae
Pleurage appendiculata (Auersw.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora appendiculata); Podosporaceae
Pleurage arachnoidea (Niessl) Griffiths (1901), (= Bombardia arachnoidea); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage araneosa (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora araneosa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage argentinensis (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora argentinensis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage arizonensis Griffiths (1901), (= Triangularia arizonensis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage australis (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora australis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage austroamericana (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora austroamericana); Podosporaceae
Pleurage barbata (E.C. Hansen) Kuntze (1898), (= Echria macrotheca); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage bombardioides (Auersw.) Kuntze (1898), (= Bombardioidea bombardioides); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage brassicae (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Kuntze (1898), (= Cladorrhinum olerum); Podosporaceae
Pleurage breviappendiculata Faurel & Schotter (1966); Podosporaceae
Pleurage brevicaudata (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954); Podosporaceae
Pleurage burkillii (Massee) C. Moreau (1954); Podosporaceae
Pleurage californica (Plowr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Cercophora californica); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage capturae (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Hypocopra capturae); Xylariaceae
Pleurage carbonaria (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Jugulospora carbonaria); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage caudata (Sacc.) Kuntze (1898), (= Immersiella caudata); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage cervina (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Schizothecium cervinum); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage cirrifera (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954), (= Arnium cirriferum); Sordariales
Pleurage collapsa Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora collapsa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage communis (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora communis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage conica (Fuckel) Griffiths & Seaver (1910), (= Neoschizothecium conicum); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage coprophila (Fr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Cladorrhinum coprophilum); Podosporaceae
Pleurage culmigena (Sacc. & Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Bombardia culmigena); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage curvicolla (G. Winter) Kuntze (1898), (= Pseudoechria curvicolla); Schizotheciaceae
Pleurage curvicolla var. eminens (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Pseudoechria curvicolla); Schizotheciaceae
Pleurage curvispora (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Neoschizothecium curvisporum); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage curvula (de Bary) Kuntze (1898), (= Neoschizothecium conicum); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage curvula var. coronifera (Grove) C. Moreau (1954), (= Neoschizothecium aloides); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage dakotensis Griffiths (1901), (= Schizothecium dakotense); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage decipiens (G. Winter) Kuntze (1898), (= Rhypophila decipiens); Naviculisporaceae
Pleurage discospora (Auersw.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta discospora); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage dubia (E.C. Hansen) Kuntze (1898), (= Schizothecium dubium); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage dunarum (Mouton) Kuntze (1898), (= Fimetariella dunarum); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage elephantina (Henn.) Kuntze (1898), (= Lasiosphaeria elephantina); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage ellisiana Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora ellisiana); Podosporaceae
Pleurage equina (Sacc.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora fimiseda); Podosporaceae
Pleurage erostrata Griffiths (1901), (= Zopfiella erostrata); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage fimbriata (A. Bayer) W.M. Page (1957), (= Neoschizothecium fimbriatum); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage fimicola (Corda) Kuntze (1898), (= Schizothecium fimicola); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage fimiseda (Ces. & De Not.) Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora fimiseda); Podosporaceae
Pleurage glabra A.K. Kar & Maity (1980); Podosporaceae
Pleurage glutinans (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Neoschizothecium glutinans); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage gwynne-vaughaniae W.M. Page (1960), (= Podospora gwynne-vaughaniae); Podosporaceae
Pleurage hansenii (Oudem.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta hansenii); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage heterochaeta Griffiths (1901), (= Arnium heterochaetum); Sordariales
Pleurage hirta (E.C. Hansen) Kuntze (1898), (= Immersiella hirta); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage hispidula (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954), (= Schizothecium hispidulum); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage humana (Fuckel) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria humana); Sordariaceae
Pleurage hyalopilosa R. Stratton (1921), (= Podospora hyalopilosa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage hypocoprodes (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Hypocopra hypocoproides); Xylariaceae
Pleurage immersa R. Stratton (1921), (= Podospora immersa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage inaequalis (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Neoschizothecium inaequale); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage inaequilateralis (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora inaequilateralis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage insignis (E.C. Hansen) Kuntze (1898), (= Strattonia insignis); Strattoniaceae
Pleurage kansensis Griffiths (1901), (= Arnium kansense); Sordariales
Pleurage kilimandscharica (Alf. Schmidt) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora kilimandscharica); Podosporaceae
Pleurage leucoplaca (Sacc.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta leucoplaca); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage leucotricha (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Cladorrhinum leucotrichum); Podosporaceae
Pleurage lignicola (Fuckel) Kuntze (1898), (= Immersiella caudata); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage linguiformis (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Schizothecium linguiforme); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage lojkaeana (Rehm) Kuntze (1898), (= Hypocopra lojkaeana); Xylariaceae
Pleurage longicaudata Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora longicaudata); Podosporaceae
Pleurage longicollis (L.M. Ames) Boedijn (1962), (= Pseudoechria longicollis); Schizotheciaceae
Pleurage lutea (Ellis & Everh.) Kuntze (1898), (= Bombardia lutea); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage macrospora (Auersw.) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria macrospora); Sordariaceae
Pleurage macrostoma (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954); Podosporaceae
Pleurage macrotheca (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Kuntze (1898), (= Echria macrotheca); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage maxima (Niessl) Kuntze (1898), (= Bombardioidea stercoris); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage microspora (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta leucoplaca); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage minima (Sacc. & Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria minima); Sordariaceae
Pleurage minor (Ellis & Everh.) Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora minor); Podosporaceae
Pleurage minuta (Fuckel) Kuntze (1898), (= Trichodelitschia bisporula); Phaeotrichaceae
Pleurage minuta f. tetraspora (G. Winter) C. Moreau (1954), (= Neoschizothecium tetrasporum); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage multicaudata Griffiths (1901), (= Sordaria multicaudata); Sordariaceae
Pleurage myriospora (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Kuntze (1898), (= Rhypophila myriospora); Naviculisporaceae
Pleurage natalitia (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Cercophora natalitia); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage neglecta (E.C. Hansen) Kuntze (1898), (= Cladorrhinum olerum); Podosporaceae
Pleurage ornithophila (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Hypocopra ornithophila); Xylariaceae
Pleurage pachyspora (Mouton) C. Moreau (1954); Podosporaceae
Pleurage papyricola (G. Winter) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria papyricola); Sordariaceae
Pleurage perplexans (Cain) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora perplexens); Podosporaceae
Pleurage pilosa (Mouton) Kuntze (1898), (= Schizothecium pilosum); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage pilosella (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta trivialis); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage platensis (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora platensis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage platyspora (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta scatigena); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage pleiospora (G. Winter) Kuntze (1898), (= Rhypophila pleiospora); Naviculisporaceae
Pleurage polyspora (W. Phillips & Plowr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria polyspora); Sordariaceae
Pleurage punctiformis (Ces.) Kuntze (1898), (= Saccobolus punctiformis); Ascobolaceae
Pleurage pusilla (Mouton) Kuntze (1898), (= Philocopra pusilla); Podosporaceae
Pleurage pyriformis (A. Bayer) C. Moreau (1954), (= Podospora pyriformis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage rabenhorstii (Niessl) Kuntze (1898), (= Fimetariella rabenhorstii); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage saccardoi (Marchal) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta saccardoi); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage sarawacensis (Ces.) Kuntze (1898), (= Cercophora sarawacensis); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage scatigena (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta scatigena); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage serignanensis (Fabre) Kuntze (1898), (= Bombardioidea serignanensis); Bombardiaceae
Pleurage setosa (G. Winter) Kuntze (1898), (= Triangularia setosa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage similis (E.C. Hansen) Kuntze (1898), (= Schizothecium simile); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage sparganiicola (Plowr.) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria sparganiicola); Sordariaceae
Pleurage squamulosa (P. Crouan & H. Crouan) Kuntze (1898), (= Schizothecium squamulosum); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage stercoraria (Sowerby) Kuntze (1898), (= Hypocopra stercoraria); Xylariaceae
Pleurage striata (Ellis & Everh.) Kuntze (1898), (= Triangularia striata); Podosporaceae
Pleurage superba (De Not.) Kuntze (1898), (= Sordaria superba); Sordariaceae
Pleurage superior Griffiths (1901), (= Sordaria superior); Sordariaceae
Pleurage taediosa (Speg.) C. Moreau (1954); Podosporaceae
Pleurage taenioides Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora taenioides); Podosporaceae
Pleurage tetraspora (G. Winter) Griffiths (1901), (= Neoschizothecium tetrasporum); Neoschizotheciaceae
Pleurage tomentosa (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Cladorrhinum tomentosum); Podosporaceae
Pleurage unicaudata C. Moreau & M. Moreau (1955), (= Triangularia unicaudata); Podosporaceae
Pleurage unicaudata C. Moreau & M. Moreau ex G. Sm. (1957), (= Triangularia unicaudata); Podosporaceae
Pleurage vagans (De Not.) Kuntze (1898), (= Coniochaeta vagans); Coniochaetaceae
Pleurage verruculosa C.N. Jensen (1912), (= Triangularia verruculosa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage verruculosa var. maritima Apinis & Chesters (1964), (= Triangularia verruculosa); Podosporaceae
Pleurage vesticola (Berk. & Broome) Kuntze (1898), (= Schizothecium vesticola); Lasiosphaeriaceae
Pleurage vestita (Zopf) Griffiths (1901), (= Podospora communis); Podosporaceae
Pleurage winteri (P. Karst.) Kuntze (1898), (= Podospora appendiculata); Podosporaceae
Pleurage zygospora (Speg.) Kuntze (1898), (= Zygopleurage zygospora); Neoschizotheciaceae

Pages: 1 of 122 records. TofP BofP