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Pages: 1 of 28 records. TofP BofP

Sphaeronaemella acicularis (Fr.) Sacc. (1884); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella aurantiaca Sacc. (1884); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella betae (Delacr.) Z.W. de Beer & M.J. Wingf. (2013); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella carnea Ellis & Everh. (1889); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella cincta (Corda) Sacc. (1884); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella coriariae Pat. (1895); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella cucurbitula (Ces.) Sacc. & P. Syd. (1902); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella diaphana (Fuckel) Sacc. (1884); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella filicina Cooke & Massee (1890); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella fimicola Marchal (1891); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella fimicola var. minor Marchal (1891), (= Sphaeronaemella fimicola); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella flavoviridis (Fuckel) Sacc. (1884), (= Stilbella flavoviridis); Hypocreomycetidae
Sphaeronaemella fragariae F. Stevens & Peterson (1916); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella glomerata Grove (1937); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella helvellae (P. Karst.) P. Karst. (1884), (= Melanospora karstenii); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella horanszkyi (Tóth) Tóth (1975); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella humicola Samson & W. Gams (1974); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella kulczynskiana Rouppert (1912); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella macrospora Penz. & Sacc. (1902), (= Atractiella macrospora); Phleogenaceae
Sphaeronaemella microsperma Höhn. (1902); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella mirabilis Speg. (1889); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella mougeotii (Fr.) Sacc. (1884); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella oxyspora (Berk.) Sacc. (1884); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella raphani Malloch (1974); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella rosae Ellis & Everh. (1889); Ceratostomataceae
Sphaeronaemella rufa (Fr.) Sacc. (1884), (= Dacryonaema rufum); Dacryonaemataceae
Sphaeronaemella subulata (Tode) Grove (1937), (= Eleutheromyces subulatus); Helicogoniaceae
Sphaeronaemella wentii Oudem. (1901); Ceratostomataceae

Pages: 1 of 28 records. TofP BofP