Record Details:
Hydropisphaera arenula (Berk. & Broome) Rossman & Samuels, in Rossman, Samuels, Rogerson & Lowen, Stud. Mycol. 42: 30 (1999) Basionym: Sphaeria arenula Berk. & Broome 1852 Citations in published lists and Bibliographies: Index of Fungi 7: 14; ; BSM Position in classification: Nectriaceae, Hypocreales, Hypocreomycetidae, Sordariomycetes, Ascomycota, Fungi Current name: Fusariella arenula (Berk. & Broome) L.W. Hou, L. Cai & Crous, in Hou, Giraldo, Groenewald, Rämä, Summerbell, Huang, Cai & Crous 2023 GSD:  display synonymy Index Fungorum LSID:
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