Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Seimatosporium rosae Corda, in Sturm, Deutschl. Fl., 3 Abt. (Pilze Deutschl.)(13): 79 (1833)

Cryptostictis cynosbati (Fuckel) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 3: 443 (1884)
Discosia cynosbati Fuckel, Hedwigia 3(10): 156 (1864)
Dochmolopha cynosbati (Fuckel) Cooke, Nuovo G. bot. ital. 10(1): 25 (1878)
Hendersonia cynosbati (Fuckel) Fuckel, Jb. nassau. Ver. Naturk. 23-24: 392 (1870) [1869-70]
Monochaetia compta var. ramicola (Berl. & Bres.) Allesch., Rabenh. Krypt.-Fl., Edn 2 (Leipzig) 1(7): 673 (1902) [1903]
Pestalotia compta var. ramicola Berl. & Bres., Microm. Trid.: 81 (1889)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2021)

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