Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Marasmius haematocephalus (Mont.) Fr., Epicr. syst. mycol. (Upsaliae): 382 (1838) [1836-1838]

Agaricus haematocephalus Mont., Annls Sci. Nat., Bot., sér. 2 8: 369 (1837)
Androsaceus haematocephalus (Mont.) Pat., J. Bot., Paris 3(20): 336 (1889)
Chamaeceras haematocephalus (Mont.) Kuntze, Revis. gen. pl. (Leipzig) 3(3): 456 (1898)
Marasmius haematocephalus var. anomaloides Desjardin, Mycologia 83(1): 37 (1991)
Marasmius haematocephalus var. atroviolaceus Singer, Sydowia 18(1-6): 300, 337 (1965) [1964]
Marasmius haematocephalus var. leucophyllus Singer, Fl. Neotrop., Monogr. 17: 214 (1976)
Marasmius haematocephalus var. macrocephalus Singer, Sydowia 18(1-6): 299, 337 (1965) [1964]
Marasmius haematocephalus var. oenechinus Singer, Sydowia 12(1-6): 120 (1959) [1958]
Marasmius haematocephalus var. pseudotageticolor Singer, Sydowia 12(1-6): 120 (1959) [1958]
Marasmius haematocephalus var. purpureomarginatus Singer, Sydowia 18(1-6): 298, 337 (1965) [1964]
Marasmius haematocephalus var. transiens Singer, Sydowia 18(1-6): 300, 337 (1965) [1964]
Marasmius haematocephalus var. transiens Singer, Sydowia 12(1-6): 120 (1959) [1958]

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015); New Zealand Fungi

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