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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Venturia radiosa (Lib.) Ferd. & C.A. Jørg., Skovtraeernes Sygdomme 1: 125 (1938)

Cladosporium letiferum Peck, Rep. (Annual) Trustees State Mus. Nat. Hist., New York 40: 64 (1887)
Endostigme tremulae (Aderh.) Syd., Annls mycol. 21(3/4): 173 (1923)
Fusicladium radiosum (Lib.) Lind, Annls mycol. 3(5): 430 (1905)
Fusicladium radiosum var. letiferum (Peck) Ritschel & U. Braun, in Schubert, Ritschel & Braun, Schlechtendalia 9: 87 (2003)
Fusicladium radiosum var. populi-albae (M. Morelet) Ritschel & U. Braun, in Schubert, Ritschel & Braun, Schlechtendalia 9: 89 (2003)
Fusicladium tremulae A.B. Frank, Ber. dt. bot. Ges. 1: 29 (1883)
Napicladium tremulae (A.B. Frank) Sacc., Syll. fung. (Abellini) 4: 482 (1886)
Oidium radiosum Lib., Pl. crypt. Arduenna, Fasc. (Liège) 3(nos 201-300): no. 285 (1834)
Pollaccia letifera (Peck) M. Morelet, Bull. Soc. Sci. nat. Arch. Toulon et du Var 34(no. 219): 12 (1978)
Pollaccia populi-albae (M. Morelet) Rulamort, Bull. Soc. bot. Centre-Ouest, Nouv. sér. 17(2): 191 (1986)
Pollaccia radiosa (Lib.) E. Bald. & Cif., in Bald, Atti Ist. bot. R. Univ. Pavia, 4 Sér. 10: 71 (1937) [1939]
Pollaccia radiosa var. letifera (Peck) M. Morelet, Cryptog. Mycol. 6(2): 113 (1985)
Pollaccia radiosa var. populi-albae M. Morelet, Cryptog. Mycol. 6(2): 112 (1985)
Stigmina radiosa (Lib.) Goid., Ann. Bot., Roma 21: 11 (1938)
Venturia populi-albae (M. Morelet) Rulamort, Bull. Soc. bot. Centre-Ouest, Nouv. sér. 17(2): 191 (1986)
Venturia tremulae Aderh., Hedwigia 36(2): 81 (1897)
Venturia tremulae var. grandidentatae M. Morelet, Cryptog. Mycol. 6(2): 113 (1985)
Venturia tremulae var. populi-albae M. Morelet, Cryptog. Mycol. 6(2): 112 (1985)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2024)

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