Index Fungorum - Species Fungorum Species Fungorum
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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Entoloma papillatum (Bres.) Dennis, Bull. trimest. Soc. mycol. Fr. 69(2): 162 (1953)

Entoloma clandestinum f. cystidiophorum (Vila, Noordel. & F. Caball.) Vila & F. Caball., Fungi Non Delineati, Raro vel Haud Perspecte et Explorate Descripti aut Definite Picti 66: 48 (2013)
Entoloma papillatum var. cystidiophorum Vila, Noordel. & F. Caball., Fungi Non Delineati, Raro vel Haud Perspecte et Explorate Descripti aut Definite Picti 45: 82 (2008)
Hyporrhodius papillatus (Bres.) Mig., Krypt.-Fl. Deutschl. Österr. Schweiz., 1. Kryptog.-Fl. III 2(2): 560 (1912)
Nolanea mammosa subsp. papillata (Bres.) Konrad & Maubl., Icon. Select. Fung. 2: pl. 180: 2 (1932)
Nolanea papillata Bres., Fung. trident. 1(6-7): 75 (1887)
Rhodophyllus papillatus (Bres.) J.E. Lange, Fl. Agaric. Danic. 2: 101 (1936)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
Kew Mycology (2015)

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