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Synonymy See Note

Current Name:
Hypogymnia physodes (L.) Nyl., Lich. Envir. Paris: 39 (1896)

Ceratophyllum physodes (L.) M. Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 20: 137 (1951)
Ceratophyllum physodes var. labrosa (Ach.) M. Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 20: 137 (1951)
Ceratophyllum physodes var. platyphylla (Ach.) M. Choisy, Bull. mens. Soc. linn. Soc. Bot. Lyon 20: 137 (1951)
Hypogymnia physodes f. labrosa (Ach.) Walt. Watson, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb., 150th anniversary supplement 33: 186 (1942)
Hypogymnia physodes f. platyphylla (Ach.) Rass., Nov. sist. Niz. Rast. 4: 291 (1967)
Hypogymnia physodes f. subtubulosa (Anders) Rass., in Kopachevskaya et al., Nov. sist. Niz. Rast. 10: 196 (1973)
Hypogymnia physodes f. subtubulosa (Anders) Rass., in Kopaczevskaja et al., Opredelitel' Lishaĭnikov SSSR Vypusk (Handbook ol the lichens of the U.S.S.R.) (Leningrad) 1: 293 (1971)
Hypogymnia physodes f. subtubulosa (Anders) Klem., in Krause & Klement, Nova Hedwigia 4: 249 (1962)
Hypogymnia physodes f. vittatoides (Mereschk.) Räsänen, Ann. bot. Soc. Zool.-Bot. fenn. Vanamo 18(no. 1): 14 (1943)
Hypogymnia physodes var. labrosa (Ach.) Parrique, Act. Soc. linn. Bordeaux 53: 65 (1898)
Hypogymnia physodes var. platyphylla (Ach.) Walt. Watson, Trans. Bot. Soc. Edinb. 33: 186 (1942)

Imbricaria physodes (L.) DC., in Lamarck & de Candolle, Fl. franç., Edn 3 (Paris) 2: 393 (1805)
Imbricaria physodes f. labrosa (Ach.) Arnold, Verh. Kaiserl.-Königl. zool.-bot. Ges. Wien 30: 117 (1881) [1880]
Imbricaria physodes var. platyphylla (Ach.) Flot., Jber. schles. Ges. vaterl. Kultur 28: 130 (1850)
Lichen laciniatus [unranked] physodes (L.) Weiss, Plant. Cryptog.-Fl. Goettingens: 57 (1770)
Lichen laciniatus var. physodes (L.) Weiss, Pl. crypt. fl. Gott.: 57 (1770)
Lichen laciniatus var. tubulosus K.G. Hagen, Tentam. Histor. Lichen. praes. prussic. icon. viv. color., Koenigsberg: 71 (1782)
Lichen physodes L., Sp. pl. 2: 1144 (1753)
Lobaria physodes (L.) Hoffm., Deutschl. Fl., Zweiter Theil (Erlangen): 150 (1796) [1795]
Menegazzia physodes (L.) Navás, Líquen. de Aragón: 25, fig. 16 (1908)
Menegazzia physodes var. platyphylla (Ach.) Navás, Líquen. de Aragón: 25 (1908)
Parmelia ceratophylla var. physodes (L.) Schaer., Lich. helv. spicil. 10: 458 (1840)
Parmelia ceratophylla var. platyphylla (Ach.) Schaer., Lich. helv. spicil. 10: 459 (1840)
Parmelia physodes (L.) Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 250 (1803)
Parmelia physodes f. fuscescens Cromb. ex Gyeln., Rev. Bryol. Lichénol. 7: 219 (1934)
Parmelia physodes f. labrosa (Ach.) Branth, Bot. Tidsskr. 2: 78 (1868)
Parmelia physodes f. platyphylla (Ach.) Harm., Bull. Séanc. Soc. Sci. Nancy, Sér. 2 14(31): 234, tab. XIII, fig. 1 (1897) [1896]
Parmelia physodes f. subtubulosa Anders, Strauch- und Laubflechten Mitteleur.: 137 (1928)
Parmelia physodes f. vittatoides Mereschk., Nachträge zur Flechtliste aus der Umgenbung Revals: 61 (1913)
Parmelia physodes subf. labrosa (Ach.) Harm., Bull. Séanc. Soc. Sci. Nancy 14(31): 234 (1897)
Parmelia physodes var. labrosa Ach., Lich. Univ.: 493 (1810)

Parmelia physodes var. platyphylla Ach., Methodus, Sectio post. (Stockholmiæ): 251 (1803)
Parmelia platyphylla (Ach.) Röhl., Deutschl. Fl. (Frankfurt) 3(2): 109 (1813)

Physcia physodes (L.) Frege, Deutsch. Botan. Taschenb. 2: 168 (1812)

Synonymy Contributor(s):
British Lichen Society (2004)

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